Oznaka: meso

Žablji kraci

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture

Kozje meso

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture

Pureća prsa

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture

Morski pas

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture  Fotografija: morebyless, izdana pod licencom: CC BY 2.0.


Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture 


Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture

Bubrezi goveđi

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture 

Pršut (pršuta)

Pršut ili pršuta je suvomesnati proizvod koji je nastao sušenjem i dimljenjem stražnjih nogu svinje, divlje svinje ili goveda (u …